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Custom Roller Banner Design

Roller banners, also known as pop up banners or pull up banners, are a key marketing tool that can be used anywhere. Often used at trade shows, exhibitions and as point of sale displays in stores, they can catch the eye of potential customers from a distance. Designed with large texts, bright colours and bold imagery, how do you make sure your design stands out from the crowd? When it comes to imagery there are a few things to consider before making your selection. We asked our design experts in our studio to share their top tips for selecting imagery for your custom roller banner design.

Will photos taken on my mobile phone be ok to use on my roller banner design?

No. Photos may look great on the small screen of your mobile phone, but they will be too small for printing on your roller banner. Quality is key. Quality, quality, quality. If the image is too low in resolution your image will pixelate and look distorted.


camera on yellow background

I don’t have a professional camera will my digital camera be ok?

Don’t worry if you don’t have a professional camera. Most digital cameras have high quality settings and automatic focus functionality. Your imagery should ideally be saved at 300dpi (dots per inch). Check your camera settings and alter to the highest quality settings available. Cameras are often default set to a low quality for every day use in order to take the maximum photos your storage allows, plus you are only ever likely to print your holiday snaps at a size of 6” x 6”. However, check your settings using the menu button and set to highest quality and maximum size. The photos will take up more memory but will result in a better quality of photo for use on larger printed items like roller banners.

Can I copy and paste imagery from a website for use in my roller banner design?

Do not be tempted to copy and paste imagery from a website. Website imagery will be lower quality than you need. Trying to copy paste and resize will not work. Most imagery online has been resized to a lower quality image on purpose, especially for use on a website and to aid website loading times. Printed material, in this case your roller banner, requires imagery at a much higher resolution. Purchase an image from an image library online (examples listed below) or take your own campaign photographs.

What format should I save my imagery in?

Time and time again we see customers copy and pasting imagery into word then they send us a word file. Save your image as a high resolution jpeg. Either insert into your InDesign artwork and create a high resolution PDF for printing. Or if you’d like our design help then send the original high resolution photo to us. If the file is too large to send over email, simply let us know and we’ll advise on where to upload your image. For more information about our design service click here.

My photo is landscape. Can It be cropped so that it can be used portrait?

Not ideal. As soon as you start cropping photos you are loosing resolution and therefore quality. This might be ok for use on smaller marketing material like leaflets, but a roller banner is rather large and you risk pixelating your image and compromising the overall quality of your printed roller banner. Cropping a landscape image to create a portrait image can also loose a lot of the context, scene and/or background of your image. Before taking photographs consider their propose and take in the correct format. A roller banner by nature is a long thin portrait layout, therefore portrait photos would be easier to use when designing. If you are planning to design a mixture of marketing materials like leaflets, brochures and adverts, then take a good mixture of photos in both landscape and portrait origination. This will give you maximum options of imagery choices when designing.

I can’t afford a professional photo shoot. How do I make sure my images look professional?

If you have a good marketing budget then hiring a professional photographer is a must. For a large campaign imagery is key and worth the expense. However, if you have a moderate budget and can’t quite afford a professional, you should consider a pro-in-training. Many universities and colleges run photography courses and students are keen to gather professional experience. Contact your local institution and ask for recommends. They are likely to have a highly recommended student, or someone with some previous experience, available at discounts rates. Ask to view portfolio of the students and arrange a meeting to interview. Also look for local adult educational classes, you might find a budding photographer who’s very good and enjoys photography as a hobby. If you can’t afford either of these routes then there are many websites online from which you can purchase photos.


model on orange background

Where can I source models for my photo shoot?

Use the internet to find a local modelling agency if budget allows. Drama or fashion students are also a good resource for models. Cheaper than professional and agency fees, students will sometimes work for free as long as you allow them to use the final photographs in their portfolios. Remember to use contracts and/or waivers so that you confirm your right to use the photographs for your marketing.

How do I make sure an image conveys my brand?

An image speaks louder than words. Before your photo shoot consider your overall marketing message and what you wish to convey on your roller banner design. What do you want people to think and feel? What emotions would you like to convey? Refer back to brand values. Is there any items in the foreground or the background of your image that need moving out of shot? Refer to brand guidelines. Is there any information about photography style and shot framing? Colour hues and tone can be altered In postproduction, however you should also take the time to set up the best photo possible. Remember, natural light is key. If light is lacking, make sure you hire a few additional lights.

Where can I find royalty free Imagery for use in my design?

When looking for imagery library sites online, be sure to check the usage licensing details. Some sites offer free imagery as long as you credit the image. Always check the sizes available and purchase the largest. Many of our clients purchase an image in ‘small’ as it’s cheaper, only to find they later need to go back and purchase the larger file.

Popular imagery sites are:


Getty Images





Are there any rules regarding texts over imagery?

Adding an image and/or a background colour to your roller banner design can enhance the overall look and attractiveness of your pop up banner. Remember readability is key, use white space and don’t put coloured text onto a coloured background. Dark text on a dark background is a no-no. If in doubt use white space around your text and avoid placing anything behind it.


 Top Tips Summary:

  1. Photos taken on a mobile phone are not suitable
  2. Check digital camera settings
  3. Don’t copy and paste imagery from a website
  4. Highest quality is the original image
  5. If in doubt take both landscape or portrait photographs
  6. Amateur photographers are cheaper than professionals
  7. Consider drama or fashion students as models
  8. Focus on your overall message and refer to any guidelines
  9. Source royalty free imagery from an online image library
  10. Readability is key when adding text to an image 

  1. Once you have designed your banner, double checked all of the information and created a high resolution PDF – your design is ready to be printed. Send it to our team, who will check the printability of the PDF and prepare the files for printing.
  2. Sit back, have a cup of tea and let us take over. Delivering your beautifully printed roller banner to your doorstep. With a great range, offers and fast delivery we won’t disappoint!
  3. Find out more about our design service, browse online or simply chat to an expert call 02380 700111.

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