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Summer Marketing

Summer is just around the corner. This may be the time of year to chill and take a holiday, but it’s not the time for small businesses to sit back on their laurels. Sales may dip a little during the warmer months and demand for your service slacken off but there are still many opportunities to draw in customers, keep your brand name to the fore and to prepare the groundwork for the busier times of the year.

Summer Marketing


Why is summer a good time to attract new customers? When is it best to start planning your summer campaign and what creative opportunities are there to cash in on the summer vibe?

Outdoor Marketing: Why we love summer

Sunshine lifts your spirits

With longer hours of daylight and the increased chance of seeing blue skies we generally feel more upbeat, energised and positive in the summer months. Serotonin, or ‘the happiness hormone’ is produced when we absorb UV rays, having a twofold effect on our bodies. Not only does it lift our mood but exposure to sunlight also shuts down the production of melatonin, a hormone that leaves you feeling sleepy and sluggish. So, it follows that people may be more motivated to going out and about, or more open to trying new things – hence summer advertising can be very successful if it is carefully planned with the target customer in mind.

It’s easier to exercise

Good weather, warm air and a change in the clocks gives us more time and motivation to get engrossed in beneficial activities where we can enjoy the outdoors. Exercise, or even just breathing fresh air, calms and de-stresses our disposition improving concentration and awareness of our surroundings. We actually take the time to enjoy life and all the positives it has to offer!

Adults feel carefree during school holidays

Apparently, we never lose the holiday feeling when the school term ends and the summer holidays begin, which is why there is a general downturn in productivity during the warmer months. Summer is still viewed as a break from routine and responsibility with the majority taking their main break at this time and the pace of work is dropped down a peg or two, with employers offering shorter hours and dress down Fridays.

Summer is the party season

Off the back of all this good feeling generated by at least the promise of a sunny season, people emerge from winter isolation to socialise and celebrate some of the key events in life, such as graduations, marriage or family reunions. Social interaction is aplenty, eating outdoors is a must and parties are held almost every week.

Greater opportunities to indulge yourself

Summer is the time to let down your hair, give yourself some ‘me time’ and to slow the pace of life in order to recharge your batteries. During these periods we are far more likely to allow ourselves the many luxuries we have resolutely refused the rest of the year. Ice creams, alcohol, a lie in, late nights it’s all acceptable during the summer!

Undoubtedly, summertime provides opportunities to catch your potential customer in the right frame of mind and to entice them to try a new product, to take notice of your brand or to test out your service. It is evident then, that a successful summer marketing campaign can be achieved with the following objectives in mind:

  • The promotional message must reach your intended target market.
  • The chosen audience must understand your message.
  • The message needs to stimulate the recipients to action.

When to start planning a summer campaign?

There is no time like the present to get to grips with a campaign plan for the summer months, although the earlier, the better as these things often need careful research of local events and preparation of appropriate promotional material. The campaign is likely to last up to 4 months and include each of the features of the Marketing Mix’ 4 P’s’– product, price, place, promotion. For a detailed explanation of how the marketing mix can benefit your business read our blog The Marketing Mix – a recipe for success!

6 Steps to planning a summer marketing campaign

  1. What are the best methods of communication for your customers?
  2. What is your objective for the campaign; what do you want to achieve?
  3. What budget is available for the campaign?
  4. How will you adjust your marketing mix?
  5. What is your promotional message?
  6. How will you measure the campaign’s success?

Evaluating each of these steps will provide a useful framework on which to base your campaign. The details, particularly timings, need to be planned out on a schedule to make members of staff aware of the order of events. So, what exactly can your business take advantage of or get involved in?

Opportunities available for a summer marketing campaign


Take advantage of holiday sales

Launch a summer branded email campaign to all existing customers notifying them of outdoor events your business will be attending and any special offers and discounts exclusively available to them. These should be eye catching and can be linked in with any national holidays such as bank holidays or awareness days and weeks, e.g.; Deaf awareness week,
International Fire Fighters Day or Refugee Week. Building up your client base and reinforcing the loyalty of customers already in place, will stand you in good stead for the remainder of the year when the focus is switched to selling and augmenting profits.

Introduce exclusive summer trials

Provide an incentive for the public to try out your product or service, freebies always go down well, but be sure to set a limit on the offer to create a sense of urgency. These can be distributed via email, on social media or via direct mail as leaflets.

You can share your design preferences for any leaflets or flyers you plan to distribute with a professional graphic design team to ensure your promotional material is always high quality and
professional looking. For more information on the effectiveness of direct mail read the blog ‘Unleash the Power of the Printed Leaflet.’

Highlight events marketing

Take part in a local summer fete or fair, sponsor a carnival float, donate a competition prize or create your own branded event in your home territory, returning a percentage of the sales/profits back into the community.

Revamp any advertisement, banner or exhibition stand visuals to capture the summer atmosphere and keep them looking up to date, original and relevant.

Social Media Summer Promotions

Post details of your plans for the summer giving dates and countdowns to the events. Share tips and advice for making the most of the summer ensuring all headings and images have a summary vibe. Wherever possible link these posts to the website or to a blog, maximising online attention. Make comments on the weather to draw in interest and give live reports at events you are attending.

Roller Banners UK will help you make the most of your summer campaign guiding you through the best advertising displays for your promotion or event. Choose from outdoor roller banners, printed gazebo tents, PVC banners that can be free standing of mounted on a wall or structure, as well as all the accessories and related equipment. The inhouse Graphic Design Team are always on hand to assist in creating your own unique design to really get your summer off to a good start!

Call (02380) 700111 or chat online today.

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