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Paper Range

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Roller Banners UK Guide: Paper Range

Take a look at our paper range guide below to learn all about the different paper stocks we have on offer. 

What is gloss paper?

Gloss paper is exactly as it sounds – paper that is glossy! The paper has a slight shine to it which gives your printed design a smooth, almost photographic appearance.

What are the pros of gloss paper?

Gloss paper makes colour appear more vibrant; this really makes your design ‘pop’! This is because the coating prevents ink being absorbed into the paper – keeping colours bright and eye-catching! (N.B you can add gloss lamination to your gloss paper to maximise this effect even further – learn about lamination on our Guide to Laminates). 

What are the cons of gloss paper? 

Due to the glossy nature of this type of paper, you can get a reflection on your printed products. This glare can mean that your printed documents can be harder to read under electrical light. Also, much like a photo, finger prints and smudges do show up more on glossy paper. 


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What is silk paper?

Silk paper is soft to the touch; silk paper has all the above pros of gloss paper, but without the potential for glare. The silk is smooth and provides a sheen, but not a shiny reflective coating. Silk stock is the most popular of our paper range and is often used for professional stationery, business cards, posters, folders etc. 

What are the pros of silk paper?

Silk paper is soft with a subtle sheen. It is the perfect choice for most printed products

What are the cons of silk paper?

There aren’t many cons to silk paper. Unlike uncoated, it does have an inbuilt layer of laminate – this makes silk (like gloss and matt) less eco-friendly than uncoated. 


What is matte paper? 

Matte paper has a matt coating applied to it, which produces a duller finish and a smooth texture. Matt does not have a glare like gloss paper. 

What are the pros of matte paper?

Matte paper has a elegant subdued finish. With the matt finish you won’t have the same issues as gloss – i.e. there will be no reflections causing issues reading the text on your product. Similarly, this effect makes matte paper perfect for Spot UV varnish and foiling – as the contrast will be maximised. 

What are the cons of matt paper?

Matt paper provides a more subdued look because the ink sinks into the paper. It still holds colour well, but colours will always appear less vibrant that the gloss or silk paper stocks. 


What is uncoated paper? 

As it sounds – uncoated paper has no additional laminate inbuilt. As such, it is an eco-friendly option; some uncoated papers are often made of recycled material. You can also recycle uncoated paper in domestic recycling.

What are the pros of uncoated paper?

Uncoated paper is environmentally friendly paper; it can be recycled after use. It offers a more rustic and sustainable feel which appeals to many customers. Uncoated is absorbent paper – which is ideal for when a washed-out / faded look is the aim. 

What are the cons of uncoated paper? 

If you’re looking for a bright, vibrant colour aesthetic, uncoated isn’t for you. This is because the ink sinks into the paper. Also, the lack of coating on uncoated paper stock makes it more susceptible to tearing. 

We also offer recycled and kraft paper as part of our paper range for some products – keep an eye out at the order stage!

Got a question? Contact us today! 


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